♦ Winner BBC Baroque Remixed Composition Competition
♦ DIT Teaching Fellowship Award with Dr Lorraine O’Connell for Composers in the Community
♦ Turlough O’Carolan Award of the Vocal Heritage Society of Ireland
♦ Mostly Modern Composition Prize
♦ Winner of UCC National Intervarsity Composition Competition
♦ Finalist in Composition and String classes of RTÉ Musician of the Future
♦ Winner of the Trinity College 1837 Prize for Choral Composition
♦ DAAD (German Academic Exchange Board) scholarship to study for one year at Rheinische Friedrichwilhelmsunversität Bonn.
♦ UCD scholarship for music studies.
♦ Numerous funding awards from the Arts Council of Ireland, Culture Ireland and the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for performance, composition and development.’